About Me...

I got my B.Sc. and my Ph.D. degrees at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo, IFUSP, in the Applied Physics Department. During my Ph.D. I studied several Biophysical relevant problems such as: the importance of protein-protein interaction on the protein conformation and the drug-micelle interaction, mostly with Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) technique. You can take a look into my Ph.D. Thesis here.

My Pos-Doc was concerned in a mutual Biochemical/Biophysical approach to study a membrane protein: Na,K-ATPase. In the beginning of 2011 I got a permanent position in the General Physics Department at the Institute of Physics at USP inside the molecular Biophysics group. Nowadays, I am carrying on some research projects concerning the calculation of protein envelopes, as well as protein complexes in solution. I am also working with static fluorescence, absorbance UV-Vis, among other techniques.


Research Interests: Molecular Biophysics

Structural Studies of Proteins and Membranes in solution:

- Using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering technique to study Protein conformation;
- Protein Aggregation/Fibrillation;
- Protein/Membrane Interaction;
- Protein Complexes Structural determination

Main Technique:

- Small-Angle X-ray Scattering

Other Techniques available in the Lab:
- Electronic Paramagnetic Ressonance
- Optical absorption
- Steady state and time-resolved fluorescence
- Multi-angle static and dynamic light scattering
- Differential scanning calorimetry
- Viscosity, electric conductivity, electrophoretic mobility measurements.

  • Under-graduate:
  • - Introdução ao Eletromagnetismo - Experimental (Fis 3, Fis 4 - Bacharelado)
    - Introdução a Física moderna e Introdução ao Eletromagnetismo - Experimental - Licenciatura
    - Introdução à Gravitação

  • Post-graduate:
  • - Elastic light scattering and X-ray scattering in biosystems: theory and experiments (main professors: Vera B. Henriques and Leandro R. S. Barbosa).

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