Artigos Publicados
Encontrados 7 resultados
Filtros: Autor é Akpinar, Erol [Limpar todos os filtros]
Effect of Hofmeister anions on the existence of the biaxial nematic phase in lyotropic mixtures of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide/sodium salt/1-dodecanol/water. Liquid Crystals. 42(7):973-981.
2015. Shear viscosity and rheology of ternary and quaternary lyotropic liquid crystals in discotic and calamitic nematic phases. Rheologica Acta. 54(6):529-543.
2015. Anomalous Behavior in the Crossover between the Negative and Positive Biaxial Nematic Mesophases in a Lyotropic Liquid Crystal. ChemPhysChem. 15(7):1463-1469.
2014. .
2014. Effect of Alkyl Chain Length of Alcohols on Cholesteric Uniaxial to Cholesteric Biaxial Phase Transitions in a Potassium Laurate/Alcohol/Potassium Sulfate/Water/Brucine Lyotropic Mixture: Evidence of a First-Order Phase Transition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(3):942-948.
2013. Study of the Cholesteric-to-Cholesteric Phase Transitions on the Lyotropic Mixture of KL/K 2 SO 4 /1-Undecanol/Water/Brucine Presenting the Cholesteric Biaxial Phase. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 576(1):98-105.
2013. .