Artigos Publicados
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Filtros: Autor é Oliveira, C. L. P. [Limpar todos os filtros]
Magnetic and structural study of electric double-layered ferrofluid with. Physical Review E. 91(4)
2015. Anisotropic Brownian motion in ordered phases of DNA fragments. The European Physical Journal E. 35(1)
2012. The Role of Nanometer-Scaled Ligand Patterns in Polyvalent Binding by Large Mannan-Binding Lectin Oligomers. The Journal of Immunology. 188(3):1292-1306.
2012. Liquid crystalline cellulosic elastomers: free standing anisotropic films under stretching. Cellulose. 18(5):1151-1163.
2011. Synergistic activation of eIF4A by eIF4B and eIF4G. Nucleic Acids Research. 39(7):2678-2689.