Artigos Publicados
Encontrados 16 resultados
Filtros: Autor é Lamy, M. Teresa [Limpar todos os filtros]
The effect of an oligonucleotide on the structure of cationic DODAB vesicles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. 17(11):7498-7506.
2015. New Insights on the Fluorescent Emission Spectra of Prodan and Laurdan. Journal of Fluorescence. 25(3):621-629.
2015. Structural characterization of novel cationic diC16-amidine bilayers: Evidence for partial interdigitation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1848(1):127-133.
2015. Electric dipole moments of the fluorescent probes Prodan and Laurdan: experimental and theoretical evaluations. Biophysical Reviews. 6(1):63-74.
2014. .
2014. The New Fluorescent Membrane Probe Ahba: A Comparative Study with the Largely Used Laurdan. Journal of Fluorescence. 23(3):479-486.
2013. Oligonucleotide Adsorption Affects Phase Transition but Not Interdigitation of diC14-Amidine Bilayers. Langmuir. 29(35):11102-11108.
2013. Light scattering on the structural characterization of DMPG vesicles along the bilayer anomalous phase transition. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 165(8):826-837.
2012. Structural effect of cationic amphiphiles in diacetylenic photopolymerizable membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 165(5):589-600.
2012. Temperature-Dependence of Cationic Lipid Bilayer Intermixing: Possible Role of Interdigitation. Langmuir. 28(10):4640-4647.
2012. Interaction of cationic bilayer fragments with a model oligonucleotide. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1808(3):649-655.
2011. Structural characterization of the interaction of the polyene antibiotic Amphotericin B with DODAB bicelles and vesicles. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1808(11):2629-2637.
2011. Thermal Phase Behavior of DMPG Bilayers in Aqueous Dispersions as Revealed by 2 H- and 31 P-NMR. Langmuir. 27(16):10041-10049.
2011. Ionization and Structural Changes of the DMPG Vesicle along Its Anomalous Gel−Fluid Phase Transition: A Study with Different Lipid Concentrations. Langmuir. 26(17):13805-13814.
2010. Laurdan Spectrum Decomposition as a Tool for the Analysis of Surface Bilayer Structure and Polarity: a Study with DMPG, Peptides and Cholesterol. Journal of Fluorescence. 20(2):473-482.
2010. Structural Characterization of Photopolymerizable Binary Liposomes Containing Diacetylenic and Saturated Phospholipids. Langmuir. 26(12):10084-10092.