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Filtros: Autor é Canuto, Sylvio  [Limpar todos os filtros]
Bistafa C, Georg HC, Canuto S.  2014.  Combining ab initio multiconfigurational and Free Energy Gradient methods to study the π–π* excited state structure and properties of uracil in water. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. 1040-1041:312-320.
de Oliveira EM, Freitas TC, Coutinho K, Varella árcioT do N, Canuto S, Lima MAP, Bettega árcioHF.  2014.  Communication: Transient anion states of phenol…(H2O)n (n = 1, 2) complexes: Search for microsolvation signatures. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 141(5):051105.
Cabral BJC, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2014.  Dynamics of endo- vs. exo-complexation and electronic absorption of calix[4]arene-Ar2. Chemical Physics Letters. 612:266-272.
Cabral BJC, Cruzeiro íciusWilian D, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2014.  Free base phthalocyanine: Influence of thermal effects and dimerization on the electronic absorption spectrum. Chemical Physics Letters. 595-596:97-102.
Vivas MG, Silva DL, Malinge érémy, Boujtita M, śny R, Bartkowiak W, Ågren H, Canuto S, De Boni L, Ishow éna et al..  2014.  Molecular Structure – Optical Property Relationships for a Series of Non-Centrosymmetric Two-photon Absorbing Push-Pull Triarylamine Molecules. Scientific Reports. 4
Caputo íaCristina, Provasi PF, Benitez ía, Georg HC, Canuto S, Coutinho K.  2014.  Monte Carlo–Quantum Mechanics Study of Magnetic Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquid Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(32):6239-6247.
Hidalgo M, Rivelino R, Canuto S.  2014.  Origin of the Red Shift for the Lowest Singlet π → π* Charge-Transfer Absorption of p -Nitroaniline in Supercritical CO 2. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 10(4):1554-1562.
Silva DL, N. Murugan A, Kongsted J, Ågren H, Canuto S.  2014.  Self-Aggregation and Optical Absorption of Stilbazolium Merocyanine in Chloroform. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 118(7):1715-1725.
Gester RM, Bistafa C, Georg HC, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2014.  Theoretically describing the 17O magnetic shielding constant of biomolecular systems: uracil and 5-fluorouracil in water environment. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 133(1)
