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Filtros: Autor é Zhou, E. H.  [Limpar todos os filtros]
Berntsen P., Park C.Y, Rothen-Rutishauser B., Tsuda A., Sager T.M, Molina R.M, Donaghey T.C, Alencar A.M, Kasahara D.I, Ericsson T. et al..  2010.  Biomechanical effects of environmental and engineered particles on human airway smooth muscle cells. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 73(Suppl_31653572583614276421122172061492107117106576176103423114481647144228101):S331-S340.
Park C.Y, Tambe D., Alencar A.M, Trepat X., Zhou E.H, Millet E., Butler J.P, Fredberg J.J.  2010.  Mapping the cytoskeletal prestress. AJP: Cell Physiology. 298(5):C1245-C1252.