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Filtros: Autor é Salinas, S. R. [Limpar todos os filtros]
Maier-Saupe model for a mixture of uniaxial and biaxial molecules. Physical Review E. 92(6)
2015. Annealed Ising model with site dilution on self-similar structures. Physical Review E. 90(5)
2014. Biaxial nematic phase in the Maier-Saupe model for a mixture of discs and cylinders. The European Physical Journal E. 35(2)
2012. Tricritical-like behavior of the nonlinear optical refraction at the nematic-isotropic transition in the E7 thermotropic liquid crystal. The European Physical Journal E. 35(1)
2012. Fermionic Representation of Two-Dimensional Dimer Models. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 41(1):86-93.
2011. Phase diagram of a model for a binary mixture of nematic molecules on a Bethe lattice. Physical Review E. 83(1)
2011. Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase. Physical Review E. 81(6)