Artigos Publicados
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Filtros: Autor é Chaimovich, Hernan [Limpar todos os filtros]
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Initial-State Predict Product Distributions of Dediazoniation of Aryldiazonium in Binary Solvents. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 80(17):8637-8642.
2015. Scientists Raise Alarms about Fast Tracking of Transoceanic Canal through Nicaragua. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(7):3989-3996.
2015. Chimeric Proteins Combining Phosphatase and Cellulose-Binding Activities: Proof-of-Concept and Application in the Hydrolysis of Paraoxon. Protein & Peptide Letters. 21(5):468-475.
2014. Molecular Dynamics Shows That Ion Pairing and Counterion Anchoring Control the Properties of Triflate Micelles: A Comparison with Triflate at the Air/Water Interface. Langmuir. 30(5):1239-1249.
2014. Peptide:lipid ratio and membrane surface charge determine the mechanism of action of the antimicrobial peptide BP100. Conformational and functional studies. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1838(7):1985-1999.
2014. Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy Shows a Sparingly Hydrated Interface and Low Counterion Mobility in Triflate Micelles. Langmuir. 29(32):10037-10046.
2013. .
2013. Interfacial concentrations of chloride and bromide in zwitterionic micelles with opposite dipoles: Experimental determination by chemical trapping and a theoretical description. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 371(1):62-72.
2012. Formation and decomposition of N-alkylnaphthalimides: experimental evidences and ab initio description of the reaction pathways. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 24(5):385-397.
2011. Preparation of PVP hydrogel nanoparticles using lecithin vesicles. Química Nova. 33(10):2083-2087.