Artigos Publicados
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Filtros: Autor é Georg, Herbert C. [Limpar todos os filtros]
Combining ab initio multiconfigurational and Free Energy Gradient methods to study the π–π* excited state structure and properties of uracil in water. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. 1040-1041:312-320.
2014. Monte Carlo–Quantum Mechanics Study of Magnetic Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquid Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(32):6239-6247.
2014. Theoretically describing the 17O magnetic shielding constant of biomolecular systems: uracil and 5-fluorouracil in water environment. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 133(1)
2014. Electronic Properties of Water in Liquid Environment. A Sequential QM/MM Study Using the Free Energy Gradient Method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(36):11247-11254.
2012. A simple analysis of the influence of the solvent-induced electronic polarization on the 15N magnetic shielding of pyridine in water. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 131(5)
2012. Thermodynamic stability of hydrogen-bonded systems in polar and nonpolar environments. Journal of Computational Chemistry. :NA-NA.