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Filtros: Autor é Gidlund, Magnus  [Limpar todos os filtros]
Orellana RVargas, Fonseca HAndrade Ro, Monteiro AMoreira, Ortega KLopes, Gallottini MHelena, Gidlund M, Pobocik AMantesso.  2013.  Association of autoantibodies anti-OxLDL and markers of inflammation with stage of HIV infection. International Journal of Cardiology. 168(2):1610-1612.
ço ériaS, Kodaira áudiaA, Ramos-Sanchez EM, Felinto áudiaFC, Goto H, Gidlund M, Malta OL, Brito HF.  2013.  Luminescent material based on the [Eu(TTA)3(H2O)2] complex incorporated into modified silica particles for biological applications. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 123:11-17.
Fonseca HAndrade R, Fonseca FA, Monteiro AM, Bianco HT, Boschcov P, ão SA, Juliano L, Gidlund M, Izar MC.  2013.  Obesity Modulates the Immune Response to Oxidized LDL in Hypertensive Patients. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 67(3):1451-1460.
Rios FJ, Koga MM, Pecenin M, Ferracini M, Gidlund M, Jancar S..  2013.  Oxidized LDL Induces Alternative Macrophage Phenotype through Activation of CD36 and PAFR. Mediators of Inflammation. 201329031(4):1-8.
da Cunha J, Maselli LMorganti F, Treitinger ïcio, Monteiro AMoreira, Gidlund M, ão RCavalcanti, Spada C, Bydlowski érgioPaulo.  2013.  Serum levels of IgG antibodies against oxidized LDL and atherogenic indices in HIV-1-infected patients treated with protease inhibitors. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 51(2)
Sicchieri íciaBonfante, Monteiro AMoreira, Samad RElgul, Ito ASiuiti, Neto AMartins Fi, Vieira NDias, Gidlund M, Courrol LCoronato.  2013.  Study of Tryptophan Lifetime Fluorescence Following Low-Density Lipoprotein Modification. Applied Spectroscopy. 67(4):379-384.