Artigos Publicados
Encontrados 11 resultados
Filtros: Autor é de Oliveira, ário J. [Limpar todos os filtros]
Stochastic approach to equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Physical Review E. 91(4)
2015. Thermal rectification in anharmonic chains under an energy-conserving noise. Physical Review E. 92(6)
2015. Type-dependent irreversible stochastic spin models for genetic regulatory networks at the level of promotion–inhibition circuitry. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 440:33-41.
2015. Flux rectification in the quantum. Physical Review E. 90(4)
2014. Fourier's law from a chain of coupled planar harmonic oscillators under energy-conserving noise. Physical Review E. 89(2)
2014. Fourier's law from a chain of coupled anharmonic oscillators under energy-conserving noise. Physical Review E. 87(5)
2013. Robustness of first-order phase transitions in one-dimensional long-range contact processes. Physical Review E. 87(4)
2013. Stochastic dynamics of dengue epidemics. Physical Review E. 87(1)
2013. Entropy Production in Nonequilibrium Systems at Stationary States. Physical Review Letters. 108(2)
2012. Two versions of the threshold contact model in two dimensions. Computer Physics Communications. 183(9):2001-2005.
2012. Entropy production in irreversible systems described by a Fokker-Planck equation. Physical Review E. 82(2)