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Encontrados 452 resultados
Machado FBrum, Machado Lde Vasconc, Bydlowski CRachid, Bydlowski SPaulo, Medina-Acosta E.  2012.  Gametic phase disequilibrium between the syntenic multiallelic HTG4 and HMS3 markers widely used for parentage testing in Thoroughbred horses. Molecular Biology Reports. 39(2):1447-1452.
Oliveira CLP, Gerbelli BB, Silva ERT, Nallet édéric, Navailles L, Oliveira EA, Pedersen JSkov.  2012.  Gaussian deconvolution: a useful method for a form-free modeling of scattering data from mono- and multilayered planar systems. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 4512338274181014173341792526135570338762781176257027198235724950(6):1278-1286.
Salay LC, Ferreira M, Oliveira ON, Nakaie CR, Schreier S.  2012.  Headgroup specificity for the interaction of the antimicrobial peptide tritrpticin with phospholipid Langmuir monolayers. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 100:95-102.
Szortyka MM, Fiore CE, Barbosa MC, Henriques VB.  2012.  Hydration and anomalous solubility of the Bell-Lavis model as solvent. Physical Review E. 86(3)
Parra E, Panzoldo ália, Kaplan D, de Oliveira HCoutinho, é Santos dos, de Carvalho érgio, Sposito A, Gidlund M, Nakamura R, Zago Vde Souza et al..  2012.  The I405V and Taq1B polymorphisms of the CETP gene differentially affect sub-clinical carotid atherosclerosis. Lipids in Health and Disease. 11(1):130.
da Fonseca HAndrade Ro, Fonseca FAntonio He, Monteiro AMoreira, Farias NCarvalho, Bianco HTria, ão SAugusto Bu, óvoa RManoel dos, Gidlund M, Izar MCristina d.  2012.  Inflammatory environment and immune responses to oxidized LDL are linked to systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in hypertensive subjects. International Journal of Cardiology. 157(1):131-133.
Alonso L, Mendanha ãoAntônio, Marquezin ássiaAlessandra, Berardi M, Ito ASiuiti, A. ña U, Alonso A.  2012.  Interaction of miltefosine with intercellular membranes of stratum corneum and biomimetic lipid vesicles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 434(1-2):391-398.
de Souza TPereira, Chaimovich H, Fahr A, Schweitzer B, Neto AAgostinho, Cuccovia IMidea.  2012.  Interfacial concentrations of chloride and bromide in zwitterionic micelles with opposite dipoles: Experimental determination by chemical trapping and a theoretical description. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 371(1):62-72.
Sampaio R.N, Gomes W.R, Araujo D.MS, Machado A.EH, Silva R.A, Marletta A., Borissevitch I.E, Ito A.S, Dinelli L.R, Batista A.A et al..  2012.  Investigation of Ground- and Excited-State Photophysical Properties of 5,10,15,20-Tetra(4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin with Ruthenium Outlying Complexes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116(1):18-26.
Espinosa D, Soga D, Alves S, De Boni L, ílio érgioCarlos, Neto ônioMartins Fi.  2012.  Investigation of the optical absorption of a magnetic colloid from the thermal to the electronic time-scale regime: measurement of the free-carrier absorption cross-section. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 29(3):280.
Jaramillo P, Coutinho K, Cabral BJCosta, Canuto S.  2012.  Ionization of chlorophyll-c2 in liquid methanol. Chemical Physics Letters. 546:67-73.
Hase MO, de Oliveira MJ.  2012.  Irreversible spherical model and its stationary entropy production rate. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 45(16):165003.
Lima F.S, Chaimovich H., Cuccovia I.M.  2012.  Kinetics and product distribution of p-nitrophenyl phosphate dianion solvolysis in ternary DMSO/alcohol/water mixtures are compatible with metaphosphate formation. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 25(1):9-13.
Sanabani SSaeed, Nukui Y, Pereira J, da Costa ACharlys, de Oliveira ACarolina S, a Rô, Leal FEudes, Segurado AC, Kallas EGeorges, Sabino ECerdeira.  2012.  Lack of evidence to support the association of a single IL28B genotype SNP rs12979860 with the HTLV-1 clinical outcomes and proviral load. BMC Infectious Diseases. 12(1):374.
Enoki TA, Henriques VB, M. Lamy T.  2012.  Light scattering on the structural characterization of DMPG vesicles along the bilayer anomalous phase transition. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 165(8):826-837.
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Akpinar E., Reis D., Neto A.MFigueir.  2012.  Lyotropic mixture made of potassium laurate/1-undecanol/K2SO4/water presenting high birefringences and large biaxial nematic phase domain: a laser conoscopy study. The European Physical Journal E. 35(6)
Santos P.T.A., Cornejo D, Santos P.T.A., Lira élioLucena, Costa ACristina F.  2012.  Magnetic Evaluation of Ni-Zn Ferrites Doped with Aluminium. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:528-532.
Calcutta A, Jessen CM, Behrens MAnnette, Oliveira CLP, Renart MLourdes, ález-Ros éM, Otzen DE, Pedersen JSkov, Malmendal A, Nielsen NChr..  2012.  Mapping of unfolding states of integral helical membrane proteins by GPS-NMR and scattering techniques: TFE-induced unfolding of KcsA in DDM surfactant. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1818(9):2290-2301.
Monteiro éaM, Jardini MAN, Giampaoli V, Alves S, Neto ônioMFigueir, Gidlund M.  2012.  Measurement of the nonlinear optical response of low-density lipoprotein solutions from patients with periodontitis before and after periodontal treatment: evaluation of cardiovascular risk markers. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 17(11):115004.
Diniz ônicaCS, Vieira éboraA, Kiminami RHerta Gold, Cornejo D, Costa ACristina F.  2012.  Microstructural and Magnetic Analysis Ni-Zn Ferrite Sinterized in the Conventional and Microwave Oven. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:971-976.
Nitschke WK, Vequi-Suplicy íntiaC, Coutinho K, Stassen H.  2012.  Molecular Dynamics Investigations of PRODAN in a DLPC Bilayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(9):2713-2721.
Ferreira PFC, Zago VHS, D'Alexandri FL, Panzoldo áliaB, Gidlund MA, Nakamura RT, Schreiber R, Parra ES, Santiago FD, Nakandakare ER et al..  2012.  Oxidized low-density lipoproteins and their antibodies: Relationships with the reverse cholesterol transport and carotid atherosclerosis in adults without cardiovascular diseases. Clinica Chimica Acta. 413(19-20):1472-1478.
Gouveia GRodrigues, Siqueira SAparecida, Pereira J.  2012.  Pathophysiology and molecular aspects of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 34(6):447-451.
