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Gametic phase disequilibrium between the syntenic multiallelic HTG4 and HMS3 markers widely used for parentage testing in Thoroughbred horses. Molecular Biology Reports. 39(2):1447-1452.
2012. Gaussian deconvolution: a useful method for a form-free modeling of scattering data from mono- and multilayered planar systems. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 4512338274181014173341792526135570338762781176257027198235724950(6):1278-1286.
2012. Headgroup specificity for the interaction of the antimicrobial peptide tritrpticin with phospholipid Langmuir monolayers. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 100:95-102.
2012. Hydration and anomalous solubility of the Bell-Lavis model as solvent. Physical Review E. 86(3)
2012. The I405V and Taq1B polymorphisms of the CETP gene differentially affect sub-clinical carotid atherosclerosis. Lipids in Health and Disease. 11(1):130.
2012. Inflammatory environment and immune responses to oxidized LDL are linked to systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in hypertensive subjects. International Journal of Cardiology. 157(1):131-133.
2012. Interaction of miltefosine with intercellular membranes of stratum corneum and biomimetic lipid vesicles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 434(1-2):391-398.
2012. Interfacial concentrations of chloride and bromide in zwitterionic micelles with opposite dipoles: Experimental determination by chemical trapping and a theoretical description. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 371(1):62-72.
2012. Investigation of Ground- and Excited-State Photophysical Properties of 5,10,15,20-Tetra(4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin with Ruthenium Outlying Complexes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116(1):18-26.
2012. Investigation of the optical absorption of a magnetic colloid from the thermal to the electronic time-scale regime: measurement of the free-carrier absorption cross-section. Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 29(3):280.
2012. Ionization of chlorophyll-c2 in liquid methanol. Chemical Physics Letters. 546:67-73.
2012. Irreversible spherical model and its stationary entropy production rate. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 45(16):165003.
2012. Kinetics and product distribution of p-nitrophenyl phosphate dianion solvolysis in ternary DMSO/alcohol/water mixtures are compatible with metaphosphate formation. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 25(1):9-13.
2012. Lack of evidence to support the association of a single IL28B genotype SNP rs12979860 with the HTLV-1 clinical outcomes and proviral load. BMC Infectious Diseases. 12(1):374.
2012. Light scattering on the structural characterization of DMPG vesicles along the bilayer anomalous phase transition. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 165(8):826-837.
2012. Lipid Transfer to HDL is Higher in Marathon Runners than in Sedentary Subjects, but is Acutely Inhibited During the Run. Lipids. 47(7):679-686.
2012. Lyotropic mixture made of potassium laurate/1-undecanol/K2SO4/water presenting high birefringences and large biaxial nematic phase domain: a laser conoscopy study. The European Physical Journal E. 35(6)
2012. Magnetic Evaluation of Ni-Zn Ferrites Doped with Aluminium. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:528-532.
2012. Mapping of unfolding states of integral helical membrane proteins by GPS-NMR and scattering techniques: TFE-induced unfolding of KcsA in DDM surfactant. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1818(9):2290-2301.
2012. Measurement of the nonlinear optical response of low-density lipoprotein solutions from patients with periodontitis before and after periodontal treatment: evaluation of cardiovascular risk markers. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 17(11):115004.
2012. Microstructural and Magnetic Analysis Ni-Zn Ferrite Sinterized in the Conventional and Microwave Oven. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:971-976.
2012. Molecular Dynamics Investigations of PRODAN in a DLPC Bilayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(9):2713-2721.
2012. Oxidized low-density lipoproteins and their antibodies: Relationships with the reverse cholesterol transport and carotid atherosclerosis in adults without cardiovascular diseases. Clinica Chimica Acta. 413(19-20):1472-1478.
2012. Pathophysiology and molecular aspects of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 34(6):447-451.