Artigos Publicados

Encontrados 452 resultados
Duarte élio, Canuto S.  2012.  Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian symposium of theoretical chemistry. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 112(19):3131-3131.
Santana A.C., ê H., Cavaglieri R.C., Lopes M.A.B., Francisco R.P.V., Zugaib M., Bydlowski S.P., Noronha I.L..  2012.  Protective Effects of Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells in a Model of Aorta Allograft Vasculopathy in Rats. Transplantation Proceedings. 44(8):2490-2494.
Bienzobaz P.F., Salinas S.R..  2012.  Quantum spherical model with competing interactions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 391(24):6399-6408.
Silva GM, Netto LES, ões V, Santos LFA, Gozzo FC, Demasi MAA, Oliveira CLP, Bicev RN, Klitzke écioF, Sogayar MC et al..  2012.  Redox Control of 20S Proteasome Gating. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 16(11):1183-1194.
Porto érioF, Morettin PA, Aubin ECQ.  2012.  Regression with Autocorrelated Errors Using Design-Adapted Haar Wavelets. Journal of Time Series Econometrics. 4(1)
Lage ísAlberto de, Costa Rde Oliveir, Mariano LCaroline B, Xavier EMenezes, Pereira J.  2012.  Resistant and disseminated Strongyloides stercoralis infection in a young patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 34(6):464-466.
Silva DL, N. Murugan A, Kongsted J, Rinkevicius Z, Canuto S, Ågren H.  2012.  The Role of Molecular Conformation and Polarizable Embedding for One- and Two-Photon Absorption of Disperse Orange 3 in Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(28):8169-8181.
Gjelstrup L.C, Kaspersen J.D, Behrens M.A, Pedersen J.S, Thiel S., Kingshott P., Oliveira C.LP, Thielens N.M, Vorup-Jensen T..  2012.  The Role of Nanometer-Scaled Ligand Patterns in Polyvalent Binding by Large Mannan-Binding Lectin Oligomers. The Journal of Immunology. 188(3):1292-1306.
Gester RM, Georg HC, Fonseca TL, Provasi PF, Canuto S.  2012.  A simple analysis of the influence of the solvent-induced electronic polarization on the 15N magnetic shielding of pyridine in water. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 131(5)
Diniz ônicaCS, Vieira éboraA, Kiminami RHerta Gold, Cornejo D, Costa ACristina F.  2012.  Sintering of Ni-Zn Ferrite by Microwave Energy. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:977-981.
Schreier S, é Bozelli C, ín élida, Vieira RFF, Nakaie óvisR.  2012.  The spin label amino acid TOAC and its uses in studies of peptides: chemical, physicochemical, spectroscopic, and conformational aspects. Biophysical Reviews. 4(1):45-66.
Hase MO, de Almeida JRL, Salinas SR.  2012.  Spin-glass behaviour on random lattices. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2012(10):P10007.
Filho FJOliveira, Faria MS, Vieira éP.  2012.  Strong-disorder renormalization group study of aperiodic quantum Ising chains. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2012(03):P03007.
C. Temprana F, Duarte EL, A. Femia L, Alonso Sdel V, M. Lamy T.  2012.  Structural effect of cationic amphiphiles in diacetylenic photopolymerizable membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 165(5):589-600.
Debnath PKumar, Chakrabarti B, Das TKumar, Canuto S.  2012.  Structural properties and energetics of diffuse 87Rb clusters in three-dimension. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 137(1):014301.
Szortyka MM, Girardi M, Henriques VB, Barbosa MC.  2012.  Structure and anomalous solubility for hard spheres in an associating lattice gas model. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 137(6):064905.
Damasceno MVA, Cabral BJCosta, Coutinho K.  2012.  Structure and electronic properties of hydrated mesityl oxide: a sequential quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 131(5)
Pedersen S, Oliveira L.P., übschmann B, Arleth L, Manniche øren, Kirkby N, Nielsen M.  2012.  Structure of Immune Stimulating Complex Matrices and Immune Stimulating Complexes in Suspension Determined by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering. Biophysical Journal. 102(10):2372-2380.
Andersen CBrix Folst, Torvund-Jensen M, Nielsen MJensby, de Oliveira CLuis Pinto, Hersleth H-P, Andersen øjmark, Pedersen JSkov, Andersen GRom, Moestrup ørenKragh.  2012.  Structure of the haptoglobin–haemoglobin complex. Nature. 489(7416):456-459.
Oliveira C.LN, Vieira A.P, Herrmann H.J, jr. J.SAndrade.  2012.  Subcritical fatigue in fuse networks. EPL (Europhysics Letters). 100(3):36006.
Cardoso CR, de Aguiar I, Camilo MR, Lima árciaVS, Ito AS, Baptista ícioS, Pavani C, âncio T, Carlos RM.  2012.  Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, photochemical and photophysical properties and biological activities of ruthenium complexes with mono- and bi-dentate histamine ligand. Dalton Transactions. 41(22):6726.
Costa RO, Bellesso M, Chamone DAF, Ruiz MA, Neto AEHallack, Aldred VL, Pereira J.  2012.  T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia: treatment experience with fludarabine. Clinics. 67(7):745-748.
Oliveira TR, Duarte EL, M. Lamy T, Vandenbranden M, Ruysschaert J-M, Lonez C.  2012.  Temperature-Dependence of Cationic Lipid Bilayer Intermixing: Possible Role of Interdigitation. Langmuir. 28(10):4640-4647.
Orozco-Gonzalez Y, Coutinho K, Peon J, Canuto S.  2012.  Theoretical study of the absorption and nonradiative deactivation of 1-nitronaphthalene in the low-lying singlet and triplet excited states including methanol and ethanol solvent effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 137(5):054307.
Ueno LT, Lopes C, Malaspina T, Roberto-Neto O, Canuto S, Machado FBC.  2012.  Theoretical study of the XP3 (X=Al, B, Ga) clusters. Chemical Physics. 399:23-27.
