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Electronic properties of liquid hydrogen fluoride: A sequential quantum mechanical/Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics approach. Chemical Physics Letters. 495(1-3):40-45.
2010. Electronic spectroscopy of biomolecules in solution: fluorescein dianion in water. Molecular Physics. 108(21-23):3125-3130.
2010. Enhancement on the Europium emission band of Europium chlortetracycline complex in the presence of LDL. Analytical Biochemistry. 400(1):19-24.
2010. Entropy production in irreversible systems described by a Fokker-Planck equation. Physical Review E. 82(2)
2010. Excited-state absorption investigation of a cationic porphyrin derivative. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 214(2-3):115-120.
2010. Ferromagnetic resonance for the quantification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in biological materials. International Journal of Nanomedicine. :203.
2010. First-order-reversal-curve analysis of Pr–Fe–B-based exchange spring magnets. Journal of Materials Science. 45(18):5077-5083.
2010. First-order-reversal-curve analysis of Pr–Fe–B-based nanocomposites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 322(7):827-831.
2010. Fluctuation Analyses for Pattern Classification in Nondestructive Materials Inspection. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 20109116105(1114):262869.
2010. Fluorescence spectroscopy of small peptides interacting with microheterogeneous micelles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 383(1-2):154-156.
2010. On the Formation Mechanism of Pluronic-Templated Mesostructured Silica. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114(8):3483-3492.
2010. GGA Autoinhibition Revisited. Traffic. 11(2):259-273.
2010. High-Density Lipoprotein Inhibits the Uptake of Modified Low- Density Lipoprotein and the Expression of CD36 and FcγRI. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 17(8):844-857.
2010. Hydrogen bond interactions between acetone and supercritical water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12(25):6660.
2010. Hyperpolarizabilities of the methanol molecule: A CCSD calculation including vibrational corrections. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 132(3):034307.
2010. Impacto da proteína-C reativa no risco cardiovascular de adolescentes. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 94(5):585-591.
2010. Ionization and Structural Changes of the DMPG Vesicle along Its Anomalous Gel−Fluid Phase Transition: A Study with Different Lipid Concentrations. Langmuir. 26(17):13805-13814.
2010. Laurdan Spectrum Decomposition as a Tool for the Analysis of Surface Bilayer Structure and Polarity: a Study with DMPG, Peptides and Cholesterol. Journal of Fluorescence. 20(2):473-482.
2010. Magnetic interaction in exchange-biased bilayers: a first-order reversal curve analysis. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 43(46):465001.
2010. Many-body energy decomposition of hydrogen-bonded glycine clusters in gas-phase. Chemical Physics Letters. 491(1-3):86-90.
2010. Mapping the cytoskeletal prestress. AJP: Cell Physiology. 298(5):C1245-C1252.
2010. Melting Regime of the Anionic Phospholipid DMPG: New Lamellar Phase and Porous Bilayer Model. Langmuir. 26(9):6484-6493.
2010. Metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and lipid transfer to high-density lipoprotein in young obese and normal-weight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility. 93(6):1948-1956.
2010. Mixing foams and grains in Hele–Shaw cells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 246:012017.
2010. New lamellar phase with pores in the chain-melting regime of an anionic phospholipid dispersion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 247:012019.