Artigos Publicados

Encontrados 452 resultados
Cabral BJCosta, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2010.  Electronic properties of liquid hydrogen fluoride: A sequential quantum mechanical/Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics approach. Chemical Physics Letters. 495(1-3):40-45.
Silva DL, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2010.  Electronic spectroscopy of biomolecules in solution: fluorescein dianion in water. Molecular Physics. 108(21-23):3125-3130.
Teixeira Ldos Santos, Grasso éaNastri, Monteiro AMoreira, Neto A.M.Figueiredo, Vieira NDias, Gidlund M, Courrol LCoronato.  2010.  Enhancement on the Europium emission band of Europium chlortetracycline complex in the presence of LDL. Analytical Biochemistry. 400(1):19-24.
é ânia, de Oliveira árioJ.  2010.  Entropy production in irreversible systems described by a Fokker-Planck equation. Physical Review E. 82(2)
Maximiano R.V., Piovesan E., ílio S.C., Machado A.E.H., de Paula R., Cavaleiro J.A.S., Borissevitch I.E., Ito A.S., çalves P.J., Neto N.M.Barbosa.  2010.  Excited-state absorption investigation of a cationic porphyrin derivative. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 214(2-3):115-120.
Gamarra L.  2010.  Ferromagnetic resonance for the quantification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in biological materials. International Journal of Nanomedicine. :203.
Cornejo D.R, Peixoto T.RF, Reboh S., Fichtner P.FP, de Franco V.C, Villas-Boas V., Missell F.P.  2010.  First-order-reversal-curve analysis of Pr–Fe–B-based exchange spring magnets. Journal of Materials Science. 45(18):5077-5083.
Cornejo D.R., Peixoto T.R.F., Reboh S., Fichtner P.F.P., de Franco V.C., Villas-Boas V., Missell F.P..  2010.  First-order-reversal-curve analysis of Pr–Fe–B-based nanocomposites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 322(7):827-831.
Vieira AP, de Moura EP, alves LL ç.  2010.  Fluctuation Analyses for Pattern Classification in Nondestructive Materials Inspection. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 20109116105(1114):262869.
Romani APaula, Marquezin CAlessandra, Ito ASiuiti.  2010.  Fluorescence spectroscopy of small peptides interacting with microheterogeneous micelles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 383(1-2):154-156.
Sundblom A, Oliveira CLP, Pedersen JSkov, Palmqvist AEC.  2010.  On the Formation Mechanism of Pluronic-Templated Mesostructured Silica. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114(8):3483-3492.
Cramer JF, Gustafsen C, Behrens MA, Oliveira CLP, Pedersen JSkov, Madsen P, Petersen CMunck, Thirup ørenS.  2010.  GGA Autoinhibition Revisited. Traffic. 11(2):259-273.
Carvalho árciaDias Teixe, Vendrame éliaMaria Viei, Ketelhuth DFrancisco, Yamashiro-Kanashiro EHatsumi, Goto H, Gidlund M.  2010.  High-Density Lipoprotein Inhibits the Uptake of Modified Low- Density Lipoprotein and the Expression of CD36 and FcγRI. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 17(8):844-857.
Fonseca TL, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2010.  Hydrogen bond interactions between acetone and supercritical water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12(25):6660.
Dutra AS, Castro MA, Fonseca TL, Fileti EE, Canuto S.  2010.  Hyperpolarizabilities of the methanol molecule: A CCSD calculation including vibrational corrections. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 132(3):034307.
da SILVA ITande, Sanches íciaBertoldi, MELLO APaula de Q, Damasceno ágilaRaquel Tei.  2010.  Impacto da proteína-C reativa no risco cardiovascular de adolescentes. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 94(5):585-591.
Barroso RP, Riske KA, Henriques VB, M. Lamy T.  2010.  Ionization and Structural Changes of the DMPG Vesicle along Its Anomalous Gel−Fluid Phase Transition: A Study with Different Lipid Concentrations. Langmuir. 26(17):13805-13814.
úcio AD, Vequi-Suplicy íntiaC, Fernandez RM, M. Lamy T.  2010.  Laurdan Spectrum Decomposition as a Tool for the Analysis of Surface Bilayer Structure and Polarity: a Study with DMPG, Peptides and Cholesterol. Journal of Fluorescence. 20(2):473-482.
Alonso L, Peixoto TRF, Cornejo DR.  2010.  Magnetic interaction in exchange-biased bilayers: a first-order reversal curve analysis. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 43(46):465001.
Chaudhuri P, Canuto S.  2010.  Many-body energy decomposition of hydrogen-bonded glycine clusters in gas-phase. Chemical Physics Letters. 491(1-3):86-90.
Park C.Y, Tambe D., Alencar A.M, Trepat X., Zhou E.H, Millet E., Butler J.P, Fredberg J.J.  2010.  Mapping the cytoskeletal prestress. AJP: Cell Physiology. 298(5):C1245-C1252.
Spinozzi F, Paccamiccio L, Mariani P, Amaral LQ.  2010.  Melting Regime of the Anionic Phospholipid DMPG: New Lamellar Phase and Porous Bilayer Model. Langmuir. 26(9):6484-6493.
Rocha MP, ão RC, Seydell TM, Barcellos CRG, Baracat EC, Hayashida SAY, Bydlowski érgioP, Marcondes éAM.  2010.  Metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and lipid transfer to high-density lipoprotein in young obese and normal-weight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility. 93(6):1948-1956.
Tufaile APB, Tufaile A, Haddad TAS.  2010.  Mixing foams and grains in Hele–Shaw cells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 246:012017.
Spinozzi F, Mariani P, Paccamiccio L, Amaral LQ.  2010.  New lamellar phase with pores in the chain-melting regime of an anionic phospholipid dispersion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 247:012019.
