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Ni-Zn Nanoferrites Synthesized by Microwave Energy: Influence of Exposure Time and Power. Materials Science Forum. 660-661:910-915.
2010. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein and ankle-brachial pressure index in patients with clinically evident peripheral arterial disease. Clinics. 65(4):383-387.
2010. Photophysics and photostability of adenine in aqueous solution: A theoretical study. Chemical Physics Letters. 492(1-3):164-169.
2010. Photoprotective potential of emulsions formulated with Buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa) against UV irradiation on keratinocytes and fibroblasts cell lines. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 48(1):70-75.
2010. Platelet protease-activated receptor 1 and membrane expression of P-selectin in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Thrombosis Research. 125(1):38-43.
2010. Prediction in Multilevel Logistic Regression. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 39(6):1083-1096.
2010. Preparation of PVP hydrogel nanoparticles using lecithin vesicles. Química Nova. 33(10):2083-2087.
2010. Probability currents and entropy production in nonequilibrium lattice systems. Physical Review E. 82(1)
2010. Protein cage nanoparticles as secondary building units for the synthesis of 3-dimensional coordination polymers. Soft Matter. 6(14):3167.
2010. Relationship between Rheological Properties and One-Step W/O/W Multiple Emulsion Formation. Langmuir. 26(23):17874-17881.
2010. Risk stratification for indolent lymphomas. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 32(5):409-415.
2010. Self-Assembly of a Modified Amyloid Peptide Fragment: pH-Responsiveness and Nematic Phase Formation. Macromolecular Bioscience. 10(1):40-48.
2010. Solvent effects on the electronic absorption spectrum of camphor using continuum, discrete or explicit approaches. Chemical Physics Letters. 484(4-6):185-191.
2010. Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase. Physical Review E. 81(6)
2010. Stochastic lattice gas model describing the dynamics of the SIRS epidemic process. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 389(5):1142-1150.
2010. Structural Characterization of Photopolymerizable Binary Liposomes Containing Diacetylenic and Saturated Phospholipids. Langmuir. 26(12):10084-10092.
2010. Structure of Nanoscale Truncated Octahedral DNA Cages: Variation of Single-Stranded Linker Regions and Influence on Assembly Yields. ACS Nano. 4(3):1367-1376.
2010. Study of lymphocyte subpopulations in bone marrow in a model of protein–energy malnutrition. Nutrition. 26(10):1021-1028.
2010. Study of magnetite nanoparticles embedded in lyotropic liquid crystals. Physics Procedia. 9:2-5.
2010. Synthesis and characterization of glass–ceramic microspheres for thermotherapy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 356(44-49):2683-2688.
2010. Thermodynamic stability of hydrogen-bonded systems in polar and nonpolar environments. Journal of Computational Chemistry. :NA-NA.
2010. Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of white-spot caries in human enamel. Applied Optics. 49(12):2244.
2010. Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to assess the consumption of carotenoids, fruits and vegetables among adolescents: the method of triads. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 26(11):2090-2100.
2010. O/W Nanoemulsion After 15 Years of Preparation: A Suitable Vehicle for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 31(1):17-22.
2009. Dynamics of Prestressed Semiflexible Polymer Chains as a Model of Cell Rheology. Physical Review Letters. 97(16)