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Encontrados 452 resultados
Vieira éboraA, Diniz ônicaCS, Lira HLucena, Kiminami RHGA, Cornejo D, Costa ACristina F.  2010.  Ni-Zn Nanoferrites Synthesized by Microwave Energy: Influence of Exposure Time and Power. Materials Science Forum. 660-661:910-915.
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Kongsted J, Mennucci B, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2010.  Solvent effects on the electronic absorption spectrum of camphor using continuum, discrete or explicit approaches. Chemical Physics Letters. 484(4-6):185-191.
E. Carmo do, Liarte D.B, Salinas S.R.  2010.  Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase. Physical Review E. 81(6)
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C. Temprana F, Duarte EL, M. Taira C, M. Lamy T, Alonso Sdel Valle.  2010.  Structural Characterization of Photopolymerizable Binary Liposomes Containing Diacetylenic and Saturated Phospholipids. Langmuir. 26(12):10084-10092.
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