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Encontrados 452 resultados
Sallum MAnice, Daniel-Ribeiro áudio, Laporta G, Ferreira-da-Cruz M, Maselli LMorganti, Levy ébora, Bydlowski érgio.  2014.  Finding connections in the unexpected detection of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum DNA in asymptomatic blood donors: a fact in the Atlantic Forest. Malaria Journal. 13(1):337.
Landi GT, Novais E., de Oliveira árioJ, Karevski D.  2014.  Flux rectification in the quantum. Physical Review E. 90(4)
Landi GT, de Oliveira árioJ.  2014.  Fourier's law from a chain of coupled planar harmonic oscillators under energy-conserving noise. Physical Review E. 89(2)
Cabral BJC, Cruzeiro íciusWilian D, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2014.  Free base phthalocyanine: Influence of thermal effects and dimerization on the electronic absorption spectrum. Chemical Physics Letters. 595-596:97-102.
de Souza érgio, Katagiri AH, Juliano L, Juliano MAparecida, Pimenta DCarvalho, Ito ASiuiti.  2014.  Fret Studies of Conformational Changes in Heparin-Binding Peptides. Journal of Fluorescence. 24(3):885-894.
Kaspersen ørnD, Pedersen JN, Hansted JG, Nielsen ørenB, Sakthivel S, Wilhelm K, Nemashkalova EL, Permyakov SE, Permyakov EA, Oliveira CLuis Pinto et al..  2014.  Generic Structures of Cytotoxic Liprotides: Nano-Sized Complexes with Oleic Acid Cores and Shells of Disordered Proteins. ChemBioChem. 15(18):2693-2702.
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Ramos-Sanchez EMilton, Goto H, Rivero DHelena Rod, Mauad T, de Souza FNogueira, Monteiro AMoreira, Gidlund M.  2014.  In vivo assessment of antiretroviral therapy-associated side effects. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 109(4):484-487.
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Paschoal JFB, Yamaguchi J, Miranda éRR, Carretero G, Melo RL, Santos RAS, Xavier CH, Schreier S, Camargo ACM, Ianzer D.  2014.  Insights into cardiovascular effects of proline-rich oligopeptide (Bj-PRO-10c) revealed by structure–activity analyses: dissociation of antihypertensive and bradycardic effects. Amino Acids. 46(2):401-413.
Guidi HS, Henriques VB.  2014.  Lattice solution model for order-disorder transitions in membranes and Langmuir monolayers. Physical Review E. 90(5)
Santos KB dos, Costa LJ, Atalla A, Pereira J, Hallack-Neto AE.  2014.  Lomustine use in combination with etoposide, cytarabine and melphalan in a brief conditioning regimen for auto-HSCT in patients with lymphoma: the optimal dose. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 49(9):1239-1240.
Kaspersen ørnøvling, Jessen CMoestrup, Vad BStougaard, rensen Eø, Andersen KKleiner, Glasius M, Oliveira CLuis Pinto, Otzen DErik, Pedersen JSkov.  2014.  Low-Resolution Structures of OmpA⋅DDM Protein-Detergent Complexes. ChemBioChem. 15(14):2113-2124.
Correa-Costa M, Braga árcioTeodoro, é Felizardo F, Andrade-Oliveira ícius, Perez KRegina, Cuccovia IMidea, Hiyane MIoshie, da Silva ãoSantana, âmara NOlsen Sara.  2014.  Macrophage Trafficking as Key Mediator of Adenine-Induced Kidney Injury. Mediators of Inflammation. 2014184, article 728(8):1-12.
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Neto A.M.Figueiredo.  2014.  Micellar cholesteric lyotropic liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals Reviews. 2(1):47-59.
Alves C, Pedersen JSkov, Oliveira CLuis Pinto.  2014.  Modelling of high-symmetry nanoscale particles by small-angle scattering. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 47(1):84-94.
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Caputo íaCristina, Provasi PF, Benitez ía, Georg HC, Canuto S, Coutinho K.  2014.  Monte Carlo–Quantum Mechanics Study of Magnetic Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquid Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(32):6239-6247.
