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Finding connections in the unexpected detection of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum DNA in asymptomatic blood donors: a fact in the Atlantic Forest. Malaria Journal. 13(1):337.
2014. Flux rectification in the quantum. Physical Review E. 90(4)
2014. Fourier's law from a chain of coupled planar harmonic oscillators under energy-conserving noise. Physical Review E. 89(2)
2014. Free base phthalocyanine: Influence of thermal effects and dimerization on the electronic absorption spectrum. Chemical Physics Letters. 595-596:97-102.
2014. Fret Studies of Conformational Changes in Heparin-Binding Peptides. Journal of Fluorescence. 24(3):885-894.
2014. Generic Structures of Cytotoxic Liprotides: Nano-Sized Complexes with Oleic Acid Cores and Shells of Disordered Proteins. ChemBioChem. 15(18):2693-2702.
2014. A high sensitive ion pairing probe (the interaction of pyrenetetrasulphonate and methyl viologen): Salt and temperature dependences and applications. Journal of Luminescence. 151:130-137.
2014. Human Paraoxonase-1 Activity Is Related to the Number of CD4+ T-Cells and Is Restored by Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-1-Infected Individuals. Disease Markers. 20149161041867551(641-2642):1-7.
2014. In vivo assessment of antiretroviral therapy-associated side effects. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 109(4):484-487.
2014. Influence of Lavander Essential Oil Addition on Passion Fruit Oil Nanoemulsions: Stability and In vivo Study. Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology. 05(02)
2014. Influence of Mixing Speed in Liquid Crystal Formation and Rheology of O/W Emulsions Containing Vegetable Oils. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 35(11):1551-1556.
2014. Influence of the single-strand linker composition on the structural/dynamical properties of a truncated octahedral DNA nano-cage family. Biopolymers. 101(10):992-999.
2014. Insights into cardiovascular effects of proline-rich oligopeptide (Bj-PRO-10c) revealed by structure–activity analyses: dissociation of antihypertensive and bradycardic effects. Amino Acids. 46(2):401-413.
2014. Lattice solution model for order-disorder transitions in membranes and Langmuir monolayers. Physical Review E. 90(5)
2014. Lomustine use in combination with etoposide, cytarabine and melphalan in a brief conditioning regimen for auto-HSCT in patients with lymphoma: the optimal dose. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 49(9):1239-1240.
2014. Low-Resolution Structures of OmpA⋅DDM Protein-Detergent Complexes. ChemBioChem. 15(14):2113-2124.
2014. Macrophage Trafficking as Key Mediator of Adenine-Induced Kidney Injury. Mediators of Inflammation. 2014184, article 728(8):1-12.
2014. Magnetic Study of Nanoferritas CoFe2O4 Obtained by Reaction of Combustion. Materials Science Forum. 798-799:402-406.
2014. Measurement of the impedance of aqueous solutions of KCl: An analysis using an extension of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck model. Applied Physics Letters. 105(2):022901.
2014. Micellar cholesteric lyotropic liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals Reviews. 2(1):47-59.
2014. Modelling of high-symmetry nanoscale particles by small-angle scattering. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 47(1):84-94.
2014. Modulated phases and devil’s staircases in a layered mean-field version of the ANNNI model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 409:78-86.
2014. Molecular Dynamics Shows That Ion Pairing and Counterion Anchoring Control the Properties of Triflate Micelles: A Comparison with Triflate at the Air/Water Interface. Langmuir. 30(5):1239-1249.
2014. Molecular Structure – Optical Property Relationships for a Series of Non-Centrosymmetric Two-photon Absorbing Push-Pull Triarylamine Molecules. Scientific Reports. 4
2014. Monte Carlo–Quantum Mechanics Study of Magnetic Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquid Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118(32):6239-6247.