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Izar M.C, Fonseca H.A, Pinheiro L.F, Monteiro C.M, Povoa R.M, Monteiro A.M, Figueiredo-Neto A.M, Gidlund M.A, Fonseca F.A.  2013.  Adaptive immunity is related to coronary artery disease severity after acute coronary syndrome in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research. 10(1):32-39.
Orellana RVargas, Fonseca HAndrade Ro, Monteiro AMoreira, Ortega KLopes, Gallottini MHelena, Gidlund M, Pobocik AMantesso.  2013.  Association of autoantibodies anti-OxLDL and markers of inflammation with stage of HIV infection. International Journal of Cardiology. 168(2):1610-1612.
Rodrigues AG, Ping LYu, Marcato PD, Alves OL, Silva MCP, Ruiz RC, Melo IS, Tasic L, De Souza AO.  2013.  Biogenic antimicrobial silver nanoparticles produced by fungi. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97(2):775-782.
Cabral BJC, Coutinho K, Canuto S.  2013.  Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics and electronic properties of chlorophyll-c2 in liquid methanol. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(22):225102.
Ponte DF, Moraes R, Hizume DC, Alencar AM.  2013.  Characterization of crackles from patients with fibrosis, heart failure and pneumonia. Medical Engineering & Physics. 35(4):448-456.
Martins CMuniz, Fonseca FAntonio, Ballus CAugusto, Figueiredo-Neto AMartins, Meinhart ADillenburg, de Godoy HTeixeira, Izar MCristina.  2013.  Common sources and composition of phytosterols and their estimated intake by the population in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Nutrition. 29(6):865-871.
Balbino TA, Aoki NT, Gasperini AAM, Oliveira CLP, Azzoni AR, Cavalcanti LP, de la Torre LG.  2013.  Continuous flow production of cationic liposomes at high lipid concentration in microfluidic devices for gene delivery applications. Chemical Engineering Journal. 226:423-433.
Almeida AB, Buldyrev SV, Alencar AM.  2013.  Crackling sound generation during the formation of liquid bridges: A lattice gas model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 392(16):3409-3416.
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Lima FS, Chaimovich H, Cuccovia IM, Buchner R.  2013.  Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy Shows a Sparingly Hydrated Interface and Low Counterion Mobility in Triflate Micelles. Langmuir. 29(32):10037-10046.
Mitev PD, Bopp PA, Petreska J, Coutinho K, gren H̊, Pejov L, Hermansson K.  2013.  Different structures give similar vibrational spectra: The case of OH− in aqueous solution. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(6):064503.
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Reis D, Akpinar E, Neto ônioMartins Fi.  2013.  Effect of Alkyl Chain Length of Alcohols on Cholesteric Uniaxial to Cholesteric Biaxial Phase Transitions in a Potassium Laurate/Alcohol/Potassium Sulfate/Water/Brucine Lyotropic Mixture: Evidence of a First-Order Phase Transition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(3):942-948.
Lima FS, Cuccovia IM, Horinek D, Amaral LQ, Riske KA, Schreier S, Salinas RK, Bastos EL, Pires PAR, é Bozelli C et al..  2013.  Effect of Counterions on the Shape, Hydration, and Degree of Order at the Interface of Cationic Micelles: The Triflate Case. Langmuir. 29(13):4193-4203.
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Freitas T.C, Coutinho K., Varella M.T do N, Lima M.AP, Canuto S., Bettega M.HF.  2013.  Electron collisions with the HCOOH⋯(H2O)n complexes (n = 1, 2) in liquid phase: The influence of microsolvation on the π∗ resonance of formic acid. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(17):174307.
Ferreira PHD, Silva DL, Siqueira JP, Balogh DT, Canuto S, Misoguti L, Mendonca CR.  2013.  Enhancement of laser induced Au nanoparticle formation by femtosecond pulse shaping. Laser Physics. 23(7):076004.
Landi GT, é ânia, de Oliveira árioJ.  2013.  Entropy production in linear Langevin systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 46(39):395001.
Kumar H, Fantini MCA, Cornejo DR.  2013.  Evidence of Coexistence of Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Phases in Nearly Equiatomic FeRh. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(8):4506-4509.
Lino-dos-Santos-Franco A, únior ãoAntonio, Ligeiro-de-Oliveira APaula, Breithaupt-Faloppa ACristina, Acceturi ã, Vitoretti LBeatriz, Machado IDaufenback, Oliveira-Filho RMartins, Farsky SHelena Pol, Moriya HTakachi et al..  2013.  Formaldehyde inhalation reduces respiratory mechanics in a rat model with allergic lung inflammation by altering the nitric oxide/cyclooxygenase-derived products relationship. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 59:731-738.
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