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Ibrahim KYaqub, Pierrotti LCamera, Freire MPinheiro, Gutierrez PPinheiro, Duarte Ldo Prado G, Bellesso M, Pereira J, Chamone Dde Alencar, Abdala E.  2013.  Health care-associated infections in hematology-oncology patients with neutropenia: A method of surveillance. American Journal of Infection Control. 41(11):1131-1133.
Vaz ônioFM, Souza MP, Vieira LD, Aguiar JS, Silva TG, Medeiros PL, Melo AMMA, Silva-Lucca RA, Santana LA, Oliva MLV et al..  2013.  High doses of gamma radiation suppress allergic effect induced by food lectin. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 85:218-226.
Bueno âniaBlasques, Silva AMartins, Barbosa LRamos Souz, Catalani LHenrique, Teixeira-Neto É, Cornejo DReinaldo, Petri DFreitas Si.  2013.  Hybrid composites of xanthan and magnetic nanoparticles for cellular uptake. Chemical Communications. 49(85):9911.
Freire MP, Pierrotti LC, Zerati ônioE, újo PHXN, Motta-Leal-Filho J.M, Duarte LPG, Ibrahim KY, Souza AAL, Diz MPE, Pereira J et al..  2013.  Infection Related to Implantable Central Venous Access Devices in Cancer Patients: Epidemiology and Risk FactorsObjective.Design.Setting.Patients.Methods.Results.Conclusions.. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 34(07):671-677.
Sakita A.M.P., Passamani E.C., Kumar H., Cornejo D.R., Fugivara C.S., Noce R.D., Benedetti A.V..  2013.  Influence of current density on crystalline structure and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Co-rich CoNiW alloys. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 141(1):576-581.
Abdo JAlmeida, Cirano FRibeiro, Casati MZaffalon, Ribeiro FVieira, Giampaoli V, Casarin êaViana, Pimentel SPeres.  2013.  Influence of Dyslipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus on Chronic Periodontal Disease. Journal of Periodontology. 84(10):1401-1408.
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Zanin LMoro Puia, Alvares Ddos Santos, Juliano MAparecida, Pazin WMoreira, Ito ASiuiti, Neto ãoRuggiero.  2013.  Interaction of a synthetic antimicrobial peptide with model membrane by fluorescence spectroscopy. European Biophysics Journal. 42(11-12):819-831.
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Colherinhas G., Fonseca T.L, Castro M.A, Coutinho K., Canuto S..  2013.  Isotropic magnetic shielding constants of retinal derivatives in aprotic and protic solvents. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 139(9):094502.
Vaz A.F.M., Souza M.P., Medeiros P.L., Melo A.M.M.A., Silva-Lucca R.A., Santana L.A., Oliva M.L.V., Perez K.R., Cuccovia I.M., Correia M.T.S..  2013.  Low-dose gamma irradiation of food protein increases its allergenicity in a chronic oral challenge. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 51:46-52.
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Badilla JPablo, de Lascio ERoberto, Cornejo DReinaldo.  2013.  Magnetization and AC Susceptibility Study of Nb/Ni/Nb Thin Films. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(8):4534-4537.
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Tamura KAyumi, Giampaoli V.  2013.  New prediction method for the mixed logistic model applied in a marketing problem. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 66:202-216.
Fonseca HAndrade R, Fonseca FA, Monteiro AM, Bianco HT, Boschcov P, ão SA, Juliano L, Gidlund M, Izar MC.  2013.  Obesity Modulates the Immune Response to Oxidized LDL in Hypertensive Patients. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 67(3):1451-1460.
Rozenfeld JHK, Duarte EL, Oliveira TR, Lonez C, Ruysschaert J-M, M. Lamy T.  2013.  Oligonucleotide Adsorption Affects Phase Transition but Not Interdigitation of diC14-Amidine Bilayers. Langmuir. 29(35):11102-11108.
