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Encontrados 452 resultados
Vequi-Suplicy íntiaC, Coutinho K, M. Lamy T.  2013.  Optical characterization of Prodan aggregates in water medium. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15(28):11800.
Rios FJ, Koga MM, Pecenin M, Ferracini M, Gidlund M, Jancar S..  2013.  Oxidized LDL Induces Alternative Macrophage Phenotype through Activation of CD36 and PAFR. Mediators of Inflammation. 201329031(4):1-8.
da SILVA ITande, MELLO APaula de Q, SANCHES L^|^iacute;ciaBertoldi, Abdalla DSaes Parra, DAMASCENO N^|^aacute;gilaRaquel Tei.  2013.  Is Plasma Alpha-Tocopherol Associated with Electronegative LDL in Obese Adolescents? Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 59(2):100-107.
Soares R.P.S., Bydlowski S.P., Nascimento N.M., Thomaz A.M., Bastos E.N.M., Lopes A.A..  2013.  Plasmatic ADAMTS-13 metalloprotease and von Willebrand factor in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 46(4):375-381.
Vivas MG, Silva DL, De Boni L, Bretonniere Y, Andraud C, Laibe-Darbour F, Mulatier J.-C., śny R, Bartkowiak W, Canuto S et al..  2013.  Revealing the Electronic and Molecular Structure of Randomly Oriented Molecules by Polarized Two-Photon Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4(10):1753-1759.
Fiore CE, de Oliveira árioJ.  2013.  Robustness of first-order phase transitions in one-dimensional long-range contact processes. Physical Review E. 87(4)
de Lima EF, Ramos árciusN, R. de Carvalho E.  2013.  Role of the range of the dipole function in the classical dynamics of molecular dissociation. Physical Review E. 87(1)
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Lopes DD, Vieira RFF, Malavolta L, Poletti EF, Shimuta SI, Paiva ACM, Schreier S, Oliveira L, Nakaie CR.  2013.  Short peptide constructs mimic agonist sites of AT1R and BK receptors. Amino Acids. 44(3):835-846.
Orozco-Gonzalez Y, Bistafa C, Canuto S.  2013.  Solvent Effect on the Stokes Shift and on the Nonfluorescent Decay of the Daidzein Molecular System. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 117(21):4404-4411.
Bistafa C, Canuto S.  2013.  Solvent effects on the two lowest-lying singlet excited states of 5-fluorouracil. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 132(1)
Gerbelli BB, Rubim RL, Silva ER, Nallet édéric, Navailles L, Oliveira CLP, de Oliveira EA.  2013.  Steric-Induced Effects on Stabilizing a Lamellar Structure. Langmuir. 29(45):13717-13722.
Ros U, Edwards MA, Epand RF, Lanio ME, Schreier S, Yip CM, Álvarez C, Epand RM.  2013.  The sticholysin family of pore-forming toxins induces the mixing of lipids in membrane domains. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1828(11):2757-2762.
de Souza DR, é ânia, Pinho STR, Barreto FR, de Oliveira árioJ.  2013.  Stochastic dynamics of dengue epidemics. Physical Review E. 87(1)
Akpinar E, Reis D, Neto AMartins Fi.  2013.  Study of the Cholesteric-to-Cholesteric Phase Transitions on the Lyotropic Mixture of KL/K 2 SO 4 /1-Undecanol/Water/Brucine Presenting the Cholesteric Biaxial Phase. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 576(1):98-105.
Oliveira D.A, Palangana A.J, Amaral L.Q.  2013.  Study of the Lyotropic System Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) / Decanol / Heavy Water. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 576(1):71-75.
Sicchieri íciaBonfante, Monteiro AMoreira, Samad RElgul, Ito ASiuiti, Neto AMartins Fi, Vieira NDias, Gidlund M, Courrol LCoronato.  2013.  Study of Tryptophan Lifetime Fluorescence Following Low-Density Lipoprotein Modification. Applied Spectroscopy. 67(4):379-384.
Mamani J.B., Costa-Filho A.J., Cornejo D.R., Vieira E.D., Gamarra L.F..  2013.  Synthesis and characterization of magnetite nanoparticles coated with lauric acid. Materials Characterization. 81:28-36.
Hidalgo M, Canuto S.  2013.  A theoretical study of the spectral shifts of Xe atom in Ar environment. Physics Letters A. 377(28-30):1720-1724.
Noce R.D., Benedetti A.V., Passamani E.C., Kumar H., Cornejo D.R., Magnani M..  2013.  Use of conventional electrochemical techniques to produce crystalline FeRh alloys induced by Ag seed layer. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 573:37-42.
