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Encontrados 452 resultados
Association of postalimentary lipemia with atherosclerotic manifestations. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 45(11):1086-1094.
2012. Autologous bone marrow transplantation in patients relapsed one year after R-CHOP? Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 34(3):227-230.
2012. Azidothymidine is Effective Against Human Multiple Myeloma: A New Use for an Old Drug? Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 13(1):186-192.
2012. Behavior of the thermal diffusivity of native and oxidized human low-density lipoprotein solutions studied by the Z-scan technique. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 17(10):1050031.
2012. Biaxial nematic phase in the Maier-Saupe model for a mixture of discs and cylinders. The European Physical Journal E. 35(2)
2012. Calculations of the spectral shifts and line profiles of alkaline earth atoms in liquid helium environment. Chemical Physics Letters. 533:25-29.
2012. Carotenoids and polyphenols in nutricosmetics, nutraceuticals, and cosmeceuticals. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 11(1):51-54.
2012. Cigarette smoke dissociates inflammation and lung remodeling in OVA-sensitized and challenged mice. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 181(2):167-176.
2012. Comparative Analysis of Sintering Mn0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4 Ferrite by Microwave Energy and N2 Atmosphere. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:1272-1277.
2012. Correlation of the Physicochemical and Structural Properties of pDNA/Cationic Liposome Complexes with Their in Vitro Transfection. Langmuir. 28(31):11535-11545.
2012. Coupling Between GABAA-R Ligand-Binding Activity and Membrane Organization in β-Cyclodextrin-Treated Synaptosomal Membranes from Bovine Brain Cortex: New Insights from EPR Experiments. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 63(1):17-33.
2012. Diaphragmatic Breathing Training Program Improves Abdominal Motion During Natural Breathing in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 93(4):571-577.
2012. Effect of alkyl chain length of alcohols on nematic uniaxial-to-biaxial phase transitions in a potassium laurate/alcohol/K 2 SO 4 /water lyotropic mixture. Liquid Crystals. 39(7):881-888.
2012. Effect of hydrogen bond formation on the elastic molecular scattering: a case study with methanol. Molecular Physics. 110(5):297-306.
2012. Electronic Properties of Water in Liquid Environment. A Sequential QM/MM Study Using the Free Energy Gradient Method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(36):11247-11254.
2012. End-to-end Distance Distribution in Fluorescent Derivatives of Bradykinin in Interaction with Lipid Vesicles. Journal of Fluorescence. 22(4):1151-1158.
2012. Enhancement of Nematic Order and Global Phase Diagram of a Lattice Model for Coupled Nematic Systems. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 42(3-4):261-266.
2012. Enhancement of the Nonlinear Optical Absorption of the E7 Liquid Crystal at the Nematic–Isotropic Transition. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 42(5-6):355-359.
2012. Entropy Production in Nonequilibrium Systems at Stationary States. Physical Review Letters. 108(2)
2012. Establishing a stem cell culture laboratory for clinical trials. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia. 34(3):236-241.
2012. Evaluation of Distinct Freezing Methods and Cryoprotectants for Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Cryopreservation. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2012247531281463453(4362119-106):1-10.
2012. Exact correlation functions in particle-reaction models with immobile particles. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2012(11):P11006.
2012. Experimental and Theoretical Study on the One- and Two-Photon Absorption Properties of Novel Organic Molecules Based on Phenylacetylene and Azoaromatic Moieties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(50):14677-14688.
2012. Ferrite Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4 Synthesized by Combustion Reaction in a Microwave Oven Using Urea and Glycine as Fuel: Influence of Power. Materials Science Forum. 727-728:1217-1221.