SCryPTA - Small Angle Scattering Crystallographic Peak Treatment and Analysis

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SCryPTA is a Python program written in a Google Colab Notebook (Jupyter inspired notebook). The workflow is based on the execution of code cells (instructions bellow). All code is hidden to provide a graphical interface to the user. You can find the manual here.


A notebook is a list of cells. Cells contain either explanatory text or executable code and its output. Click a cell to select it and execute the contents in the following ways:

Status of the Play icon:

alt text Empty brackets indicate that the cell wasn't executed yet.

alt text When the brackets are hovered with the pointer, the Play icon appears in light gray.

alt text If the cell is clicked, then it is selected and the Play icon turns to dark gray.

alt text Once the cell is executed, the brackets will be filled with a number indicating the order of execution.

Using the program:

1) To start using the program, click at "OPEN IN PLAYGROUND" below the menu bar and then click at "CONNECT" in the right upper corner of the page.

2) Each step have instructions. Follow these instructions to use each cell. After every modification, the cell must be executed with the instructions above.

3) If the executed cell has no output, just run it once again.

4) Cells with auto-run feature must be executed by the user at least once. From the first, they will be executed automatically after any modification.

To use SCryPTA, click here.