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Publicações recentes
Ejarque et al., BBA-Biomembranes. (1866) 184271, 2024.
Publicações recentes
da Cunha et al., Biophys. Chem. (309) 107233, 2024.
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Morais et al., ACS Omega 9(20) 22296, 2024.
Publicações recentes
Vivas et al., J. Fluor., 2024.
Publicações recentes
Martins et al., Biophys. Chem. (300) 107075, 2023.
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Matos et al., Spect. Acta. A (286) 122020, 2023.
Publicações recentes
Andrade et al., ACS Omega 8(6), 5306 - 5315, 2023.
Publicações recentes
Muniz et al., Chem. Phys. Lip. (243) 105173, 2022.
Publicações recentes
Muniz et al., BBA:Biomembranes 1863, 183622, 2021.
Publicações recentes
Marquezin et al., Chem. and Phys Lipids 234, 105018, 2021.
Morais, Eliane A.; Lemes, Maykon A.; Souza, Natalilian R.S.; Ito, Amando S.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Silva, Ronaldo S.; Brochsztain, Sergio, and Souza, Jose A. Unraveling Interfacial Photoinduced Charge Transfer and Localization in CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals/Naphthalenediimide. ACS Omega , 9(20) 22296, 2024.
da Cunha, Antonio R.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; Coutinho, Kaline; Lamy, M. Teresa. New insights into the interaction of emodin with lipid membranes. Biophysical Chemistry , 309 107233, 2024.
Ejarque, Julia B.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Rozenfel, Julio H. K. Evidence for Ca2+ -induced structural change in diluted GD3 ganglioside dispersions. BBA - Biomembranes , 1866 184271, 2024.
Vivas, Cristofher V.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Barreto, Yan B.; de Oliveira, Cristiano L.P.; Toma, Sergio H.; Santos, Jonnatan J.; Araki, K; Alencar, Adriano M.; Bloise, Antonio C. Interactions Between Silver Nanoparticles and Culture Medium Biomolecules with Dose and Time Dependencies. Journal of Fluorescence , 2024.
Martins, Leticia S.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Rozenfel, Julio H. K. DODAB vesicles containing lysophosphatidylcholines: The relevance of acyl chain saturation on the membrane structure and thermal properties. Biophysical Chemistry , 300 107075, 2023.
Matos, Fernanda L.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; Milán-Garcés, Erix A.; Coutinho, Kaline; Lamy, M. Teresa; da Cunha, Antonio R. Spectroscopic characterization of different protonation/deprotonation states of Barbaloin in aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 286 122020, 2023.
Andrade, Lucas de; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Rozenfel, Julio H. K. Thermotropic Behavior and Structural Organization of C24:1 Sulfatide Dispersions and Its Mixtures with Cationic Bilayers. ACS Omega , 8 5306, 2023.
Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lorenzón, Estaban N.; Cilli, Eduardo M.; Lamy, M. Teresa. What different physical techniques can disclose about disruptions on membrane structure caused by the antimicrobial peptide Hylin a1 and a more positively charged analogue. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 243 105173, 2022.
Pimenta, Luciana A.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; Pasqualoto, Kerly F. M.; Fontes, Marcos R. M.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Sampaio, Sandra C. Correlating biological activity to thermo-structural analysis of the interaction of CTX with synthetic models of macrophage membranes. Scientific Reports, 11 23712, 2021.
Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; Souza, Mariana C.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa. Comparing the interaction of the antibiotic levofloxacin with zwitterionic and anionic membranes: Calorimetry, fluorescence, and spin label studies. BBA - Biomembranes, 1863(7), 183622, 2021.
Marquezin, Cássia A.; de Oliveira, Cecilia M.A.; Fábio Vandresen; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Vequi-Suplicy, Cíntia C. The interaction of thiosemicarbazones derived from R-(+)-limonene with Lipid Membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 234, 105018, 2021.
Muniz, Gabriel S.V.; De la Torre, Lilia I.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lorenzón, Estaban N.; Cilli, Eduardo M.; Balan, Andrea; Lamy, M. Teresa. Interaction of synthetic antimicrobial peptides of the Hylin a1 family with models of eukaryotic structures: Zwitterionic membranes and DNA. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 24, 100827, 2020.
Martins, Letícia S.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Rozenfeld, Julio H. K. Supramolecular organization of α-galactosylceramide in pure dispersions and in cationic DODAB bilayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 232, 104963, 2020.
Martins, Letícia S.; Nomura, Daniela A.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Riske, Karin A.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Rozenfeld, Julio H. K. Structural Characterization of Cationic DODAB Bilayers Containing C24:1 β-Glucosylceramide. BBA - Biomembranes, 1861(3), 643-650, 2019.
Masukawa, Marcos K.; Vequi-Suplicy, Cintia C.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Lamy, M. Teresa. A Closer Look Into Laurdan as a Probe to Monitor Cationic DODAB Bilayers. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 376, 238-246, 2019.
Barbosa, R.M., Casadei, B.R., Duarte, E.L., Severino, P., Barbosa, L., Duran, N., Paula, E. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and SAXS Characterization of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Dibucaine Encapsulation. Langmuir, 34, 13296-13304, 2018.
da Cunha, Antonio R.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Stassen, Hubert; Lamy, M. Teresa; Coutinho, Kaline. Experimental and theoretical studies of emodin interacting with a lipid bilayer of DMPC. Biophysical Reviews, 9(5), 729-745, 2017.
Rozenfeld, Julio, H. K.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Oliveira, Tiago R.; Lamy, M. Teresa. Structural insights on biologically relevant cationic membranes by ESR spectroscopy. Biophysical Reviews, 9(5), 633-647, 2017.
Rozenfeld, Julio ; Duarte, Evandro Luiz ; Barbosa, Leandro R. S. ; Lamy, M. Teresa The effect of an oligonucleotide on the structure of cationic DODAB vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 7498-7506, 2015.
Rozenfeld, Julio H.K. ; Duarte, Evandro L. ; Ruysschaert, Jean-Marie ; Lonez, Caroline ; Lamy, M. Teresa Structural characterization of novel cationic diC16-amidine bilayers: Evidence for partial interdigitation. BBA - Biomembranes, 1848, 127-133, 2015.
da Cunha, Antonio R. ; Duarte, Evandro L. ; Lamy, M. Teresa ; Coutinho, Kaline Protonation/deprotonation process of Emodin in aqueous solution and pKa determination: UV/Visible spectrophotometric titration and quantum/molecular mechanics calculations. Chem. Phys., 440, 69-79, 2014.
Chiaramoni, Nadia S.; Duarte, Evandro L.; Marsanasco, M.; Prieto, M. J.; Lamy, M. Teresa; Alonso, Silvia del V.. Is the amphiphilic carrier structure relevant for a-Tocopherol anti-peroxidation efficiency in mitochondrial membranes. Open Science, 2(1), 1-7, 2014.
Rozenfeld, Julio H K ; Duarte, Evandro L. ; Oliveira, Tiago R. ; Lonez, Caroline ; Ruysschaert, Jean-Marie ; Lamy, M.Teresa Oligonucleotide adsorption affects phase transition but not interdigitation of diC14-amidine bilayers. Langmuir, 29, 130808153912009-11108, 2013.
Oliveira, T.R., Duarte, E.L., Lamy, M.T., Vandenbranden, M., Ruysschaert, J.M., Lonez, C. Temperature-dependence of cationic lipid lilayer intermixing: possible role of interdigitation (2012). Langmuir 28, 4640-4647.
Temprana, C.F., Duarte, E.L., Femia, A.L., Alonso, S. del V., M.T., Lamy Structural effect of cationic amphiphiles in diacetylenic photopolymerizable membranes. Chem. Phys. Lipids 165, 589-600, 2012.
Temprana, C.F., Duarte, E.L., Taira, M.C., Lamy, M.T., Alonso, S.V. Structural characterization of photopolymerizable binary liposomes containing diacetylenic and saturated phospholipids. Langmuir 26, 10084-10092, 2010.
Duarte, E.L., Oliveira, T.R., Alves, D.S., Micol, V., Lamy, M.T. On the interaction of the anthraquinone barbaloin with negatively charged DMPG bilayer. Langmuir 24, 4041-4049, 2008.
Lima Jr., E., Arelaro, A.D., Rechenberga, H.R., Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Cavelius, C., Shen, H., Mathur, S., Goya, G.F. Magnetic characterization of ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized by hydrolysis of Fe metal-organic precursor. Physica B 403(23-24), 4156-4159, 2008.
Rossi, L.M., Silva, F.P., Vono, L.L.R., Kiyohara, P.K., Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Landers, R., Machado, G. Superparamagnetic nanoparticle-supported palladium: a highly stable magnetically recoverable and reusable catalyst for hydrogenation reactions. Green Chemistry 9, 379-385, 2007.
Tada, D.B., Vono, L.L.R., Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Kiyohara, P.K., Baptista, M.S., Rossi, L.M. Methylene Blue-Containing Silica-Coated Magnetic Particles: A Potential Magnetic Carrier for Photodynamic Therapy. Langmuir 23(15), 8194-8199, 2007.
Da Costa, Z.M., Pontuschka, W.M., Ludwig, V., Giehl, J.M., Duarte, E.L. A study based on ESR, XRD and SEM of signal induced by gamma irradiation in eggshell. Radiation Measurements 42(6-7), 1233-1236, 2007.
Rossi, L.M., Vono, L.L.R., Silva, F.P., Kiyohara, P.K., Duarte, E.L., Matos, J.R. A magnetically recoverable scavenger for palladium based on thiol-modified magnetite nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis A: General 330, 139-144, 2007.
Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Lima Jr., E., Baptista, M.S., Berquo, T.S., Goya, G.F. Large magnetic anisotropy in ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized from reverse micelles. Nanotechnology 17(22), 5549-5555, 2006.
Oliveira, C.S., Bastos, E.L., Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Baptista, M.S. Ion Pairs of Crystal Violet in Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate Reverse Micelles. Langmuir 22, 8718-8726, 2006.
Haddad, P.S., Duarte, E.L., Baptista, M.S., Goya, G.F., Leite, C.A.P., Itri, R. Synthesis and characterization of silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles. Prog. Coll. Pol. Sci. 128, 232-238, 2004.
Duarte, E.L., Itri, R., Sampaio, A.R., Simoes, M., Palangana, A.J. Smectic A: cholesteric phase transition investigated by small angle X-ray diffraction and viscosity measurements. Braz. J. Phys. 32(2b), 495-500, 2002.
Duarte, E.L., Palangana, A.J., Itri, R., Sampaio, A.R., Barbosa, A.A. Smectic A-Cholesteric liquid crystal phase transition: A density study. Eur. Phys. J. B 5, 835-838, 1998.